
Scarface “School Play” Video. Hmm.

Scarface “School Play” Video. Hmm.: "

Okay this is cute. This is funny. But it’s so clearly a calculated effort to “go viral,” and thus also triggers my instinctive hostility to forced memes. Anybody want to place a bet on what’s being virally marketed here?

If it’s just some improv group or something, I respect their hustle. If it’s a crypto-promo for some new Comedy Central show, I will be hella irked. (via differentkitchen)

(If you have any lingering hopes that this is a real school play, check out the Youtube account it’s posted on, which was just registered 4 days ago and set up as a mild caricature of a conservative Christian mom)

EDIT: Our astute readers already have this one sewn up, it appears this was put together by the veteran music video director Jonas Akerlund (Madonna “Ray of Light”, Bey/Gaga “Telephone”)


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