
The Greenspad: One Mousepad to Rule Them All

The Greenspad: One Mousepad to Rule Them All: "


Greensgorge makes the Greenspad, a stainless-steel mousepad. It is “the last mousepad you’ll ever need.”

Snark Law would dictate that I point out that all mousepads are the last mousepad you’ll ever need because, unless you compute on a glass-topped desk, you don’t need a pad at all. But aesthetic considerations contradict the laws of snark and tell us instead that this is in fact the hottest mousepad ever.

The Greenspad is hand-cut from 1/8-inch hot-rolled steel sheet into a variety of shapes, sanded, burnished and then, depending on your order, engraved. The pads vary in price, with most coming in at $40-$50, and they have a lifetime warranty. Given that all you’ll be doing is sliding a Teflon-footed plastic box around on top, we don’t think you’ll ever be claiming on that warranty.

You can go for boring old rectangles, but our favorite is the Ravenholm (above), which looks like the blade from a circular saw but is in fact “9-inches of zombie-decapitating magic to ride your mouse around on.” Aw hell yeah! Now all I need is an actual mouse to ride on it.

Greenspads [Greensgorge]


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